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Being confident comes from within
Confidence is within. Having more confidence can build self-esteem and much more. It is amazing how one moment your confidence level can be high and later so low. The goal is to be confident at all times.
Building confidence
Let us talk about internal and external confidence. Internal confidence is where self-dought resides. Sometimes having self-dought on the inside can show up on the outside.
Confidence on the inside is more important than on the outside.
How to be more confident:
- Being ok with who you are and where you are at the moment. We can be so hard on ourselves and forget how far we have come as women. Don’t let anyone tell you, you should be further than you are or you should slow down. You design your own life.
- Take care of yourself. Practice self-love and self-care, do not put everyone else before yourself. Set boundaries and be ok with saying no without feeling bad.
- Walk the walk but don’t fake it. Being more confident is something that you build. Live the life you want within your means. It’s okay to not live a social media life.
To conclude, focus on yourself. Stay in your lane and don’t worry about anyone else. By doing that you will be more confident because you are focused on yourself which is a confidence builder. To recap, Be ok with who you are and where you are at the moment, Take care of yourself and Walk the Walk.
What are some tips you follow to build your confidence?
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