Hey ladies, how are you doing? So I want to talk about 5 benefits of journaling. I have been journaling for some while now. Not too long, maybe since about August or so of 2020. I was kind of resistant to journaling. I felt like what’s the point of putting my feelings on paper. I come to realize there’s a whole method behind journaling if you know there is no right or wrong way to journal. It’s all about doing it the way you want to do it and how you see fit. So I’m just going to go ahead and get right into it.
5 Benefits of Journaling
Release tension and clear your mind
Yeah, it’s in there, but you don’t realize when things are just sitting up in there rattling around, making you think one way, making you do another thing, making you react one way, you know, sending off triggers. When you think about it. It’s just amazing how, when you put something on paper, it just clears your mind. You feel relieved. It’s not in my head anymore. It’s a game-changer releasing that tension.
Track your emotions
Then you track your emotions and you gain clarity on your triggers, you know what bothers you and you can stay away from that. Understanding what triggers you is very important. Example: conversations, people and etc. You can also track your emotions and mood, understanding how your feeling for the day. When writing in your journal, you can add a smiley face for a happy or a straight neutral mood. You get the idea. It helps you with your process with all that healing you know, we’re trying to do and get that weight off of us.
Coping with anxiety and depression
Journaling has made me realize, I hold on to so many things from my past. When I reflect and read back I see that I never let it go. Holding on to pain and trauma will ignite anxiety into depression really fast. Even though I may write it on paper to get it out of my head, it may take a few writing sessions to remove it, in regards to pain. Trama is much different and that will sit with you longer and therapy may be needed. Journaling helps me to accept my feeling. You know, it’s okay to be in that moment. Don’t beat yourself up when you’re in your feelings,
Mindful and be present.
When you are in your feelings, accept them and then let them go. That’s it, and if they come right back to do the same process and eventually they will go and I’m learning that it just takes some time. Being mindful and present can be hard for someone with a racing mind. Journaling puts you in the moment and you’re mindful at the same time.
Helps you slow down.
When you deal with anxiety, you tend to be anxious on the inside but not on your outer exterior. You may be nice, calm, and mellow, just right with the vibe. But on the inside, you’re going a mile a minute. You can I’ll pull the journal out. I carry a pocket journal because I know even if I cant write down words, I can draw and that will calm me down a little. The goal is to slow down your racing mind.
So now that I shared 5 benefits of journaling. Do you journal?