How to get your Everyday Makeup Look | iamKeliB


Everyday Makeup Look | iamKeliB

How to get your everyday makeup look. I have always kept my makeup looks very simple and neutral. There are so many Beauty products out today you can get so caught up. The work we put in to find our perfect shade of lipstick, eyeshadow combo, or concealer to cover that imperfection we want to hind.  I have found, less is best. Find the products that work for you and use it. I enjoy drugstore and high-end products, but for me, my everyday makeup look is a mix of both.

Your everyday makeup look should be a ten-minute task. As a working woman, I can spend 30 minutes fixing my face up, LOL. The only part of my everyday makeup look that can take an additional five minutes is my eyebrows. You guys know how we need perfect brows (smile). I would like to share the products I use for my everyday makeup. You may use them already or you may want to try them out, for your everyday makeup look.



Products I Use

Now, keep it simple with your makeup look

There you have it, my super simple everyday makeup look. I keep these products in a basket and use only these products. Now I have a ton of makeup but to keep it simple for my everyday makeup look, I try to stick with the same products. Now when the weekend rolls around its time to pull al the makeup, LOL. Let me know in the comments what are your everyday makeup products, or if you use any of the products I use. Also please hang out with over on my youtube channel for simple makeup tutorial, Get Ready with Me and much more.


Thank you for reading and see you in the comments.

Keli B.


Everyday Makeup Look